!!The Good News Starts Here!!
Established in 1999 ARTICLE 28 is a Grass Roots Movement dedicated to establishing the global right to "the Presumption of Wealth".
Article 28 ENVISIONS an artificial environment where government resources act in a manner resembling a private wealth creation entity. By assuming government is the insures of last resort, Article 28 then guarantees that the premiums paid i.e. taxes are able to pay out claims for goods and services, while also providing a positive return to the stakeholders (Society). This will in turn lead to a better Quality of life, Standard of living and the right to 'the Presumption of Wealth' for all.
Our MISSION is to get people elected to State and National legislative offices who will implement the following change...
*** It must be noted Article 28 ...DOES NOT WISH TO DECIDE THE SIZE OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT (BIG OR SMALL). The purpose of this Amendment is to maximize the returns of governments in the U.S. for all stakeholders.***
Section 1. Congress may levy no tax against a person's labor or business income.
Section 2. Congress will establish a national bank. Deposits to and withdrawals from the national bank shall not be taxed. The national bank shall only lend and or invest with governments of the United States.
Section 3. Congress may make no law prescribing compensation to person or entity. No State shall abridge a persons right to collectively bargain, Congress shall enforce this provision.
Section 4. Each year Congress will, tax individuals and products from countries where the government is not freely and fairly elected at no less than 100%.
Section 5. All States and Congress shall tax religion. With this section when State law and article 1 of amendments to the constitution are in conflict; State law trumps article 1.
Section 6. Abortion is Sin.
Income protection.WEALTH PROTECTION.Job protection.Fair Trade protection.Religious protection.Life protection
1. Equitable: The distribution of the tax burden would be fair and distributed among those with the most ability to pay.
2. Efficient: The system of finance would raise revenue with minimal losses to the private sector.
3. Easy: It would be easy to file tax returns and administer the tax collection system.
1. We will not bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2. We will not strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
3. We will not help small men by tearing down big men.
4. We will not help the poor by destroying the rich.
5. We will not lift the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer.
6. We will keep out of trouble by not spending more than our income.
7. We will not further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
8. We will not establish sound security on borrowed money.
9. We will not build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative.
10. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
Section 1.Congress may levy no tax against a person's labor or business income
Abolish the SLAVE TAX mongers
If it is wrong to SLAVE TAXl 100 percent of the labor form 25 percent of the people, why is it right to SLAVE TAX 25 percent of the labor from 100 percent of the people?
If it is wrong for the white man to vote to tax all the black man's labor (slavery). Then is it right for all the black men to vote to tax the white man's labor.
Neil "The Dread" Scott
This section addresses the key objective of Article 28 abolishing the federal income tax. Firstly it is important to note there is no economic reason to have a federal income tax.
But in addition to that there is the injustice of the income tax. After all what was Americas original sin slavery. That was a system designed to take the labor of one person and transfer it to another. But even if you disagree with the prior then lets remember that the income tax was only to soak the rich and it would be simple.
The problem with taxing an individuals labor is it leads to sloppy governance. It is the only form of taxation where leadership can continue to reap the rewards without good governance. If leaders fail they simply increase the rate and the reach of the labor tax. By contrast all other taxes require some proof of performance. Sales taxes for example require an atmosphere conducive to consumption. Fees require a desired product while fines require the payee to break some rule.
But above all if one feels the government is failing in its obligations one can simply avoid paying taxes by just saving. Without a labor tax saving gives the citizens an additional voice by depriving the state of funds.
Also since commerce is the collective labor of individuals this section would ban any taxes on the income of businesses.
Finally this section would separate the cost of producing consumer goods and services from societal costs (i.e. Quality of Life costs reflected in taxes thus Qt) to the American people. Because Congress can no longer tax labor or business income, any Qt costs associated with the government has to be added to goods and services post production. This thus gives the American people a clear price for government goods and services and thus paving the way to maximize the efficiencies for providing those Qt goods and services.
Thus assuming government is the insurer of last resort then one wants a framework that maximizes the return on their taxes there by insuring more for less.
Section 2. Congress shall establish a national bank. Deposits to and withdrawals from the national bank shall not be taxed. The national bank may only lend and or invest with governments of the United States.
100% Deposit Insurance.
100% Tax-Free.
100% Constitution Protections.
Investing 100% in Americas Cities, Counties, States and Federal Government.
Firstly people presently on Social Security and people soon to retire nothing will change. They would continue to get their checks from the Social Security Trust Fund. In order to ensure that all obligations are met we would propose a 20% surcharge on all estates (i.e. inheritances of any size no exceptions). Then there would be an additional 30% charge on estates over 50 million dollars. These surcharges would remain in effect until all the liabilities of the Social Security fund are paid off and the program transitions to a defined contribution plan. As a result the total benefits you will receive in the future will be secure, safe and deposited to your personal demand deposit account in the SOCIAL SECURITY BANK on a yearly or monthly basis. The funds in the SOCIAL SECURITY BANK would have all the protections of the Constitution and be 100% safe. Plus the funds can be withdrawn at any time.
As a result the total benefits you will receive in the future will be secure, safe and deposited to your personal demand deposit account in the SOCIAL SECURITY BANK on a yearly or monthly basis.
The funds in the SOCIAL SECURITY BANK would have all the protections of the Constitution and be 100% safe. Plus the funds can be withdrawn at any time.
Since deposits and withdrawals cannot be taxed then the funds for the banks operating expenditures would have to come from the government's general revenue. Thus all interest gained from the banks portfolio would accrue to the depositors with the added bonus that the 3% return on investment imposed by the Feds on S.S.I. funds would now be removed (F.R.B. substitution and negative interest also unconstitutional). Thereby creating a wealth subsidy. Or as we like to say "End welfare, Subsidies wealthfare"
Since the bank can invest or loan funds deposited the bank could provide any financial services currently provided in the private financial market (e.g. health insurance). However as a result of the investment clause it is likely that the rate of return would limit the government in the extravagance of any program it engaged in, because depositors will leave if there return is too low or negative
Finally since the Bank can only lend or invest with governments, all funds expended or received would have to follow the coercive power of taxing authority, therefore the public funds would never enter the private sector.
This would have to change see "Life Expectancy".
Section 3. Congress shall make no law prescribing compensation to persons or entity. No State shall abridge a persons right to collectively bargain, Congress shall enforce this provision.
With this section the Federal Government would make sure that workers in every State had a uniform set of rules for joining a Union. For example Congress could set the default position on job applications as union yes. Each applicant could turn down that right anytime (like the right to remain silent). It would be illegal for companies within the United States to obstruct unionization efforts. However it would be up to each State to decide how Unions operated and what sort of price control policies the State (up or down) wanted to adapt. Also because of the person's clause this right applies to all regaedless of status. This will get Congress out of the business of setting labor and product prices and leave that up to the States.
So after we've removed the Fed's from price controls we now know the national cost of goods equal income less savings. Because we subsidized savings then the cost of goods is now the intrinsic value plus insurance (or on a societal scale the quality of life) So C ≤ I-S-In-Qt thus wage pressures could not become excessive however the marginal utility must approach efficiency due to this section. What has to occur is a lessening of the intrinsic cost components and the insurance cost components (i.e. The Quality of life {a.k.a government}.But the subsidy would insure the increase in the Qt: this is the only function of the Stat and Article 28 section 1. limits the fed's costs but Article 28 section 2 requires a maximization on Qt via taxes.
(Suggested global minimum wage $1.00 USD per day for regulatory purposes)
Section 4. Each year Congress shall tax individuals and products from countries where the government is not freely and fairly elected at no less than 100%.
One of the complaints received about this section is that it will tax the poor fleeing tyrannical governments. Come on people let's try to use some common sense here. This section is to target the tyrants and their captains of industry and government. Surely we would not be targeting a Christian Chinese waiter fleeing persecution by his government.
Now with regards to trade it is best to use this metaphor "FREE TRADE FOR FREE PEOPLE". So treaties our friends would remain intact (e.g. N.A.F.T.A.). However when it comes to tyrants; once the Supreme Court has set the standard for "free and fair" then every year the House of Representatives would have to vote on which countries and people to (a) give a tax credit (b) let the 100% tax stand or (c) increase the tax.
Also diplomats (excluding treaties), absolute kings and princesses, military personnel and industry leaders would be assessed for there tax liability in the same manner before they were issued a visa to enter the United States.
Regarding the UN if they object then they can pack up and go, or they can set up a mechanism to ensure that all the representatives at the UN are freely and fairly elected in their home country; or pay the tax.
This would ensure that in countries where free and fair practices are suppressed and not reflected in consumer or Qt prices then Congress would have to adjust prices for this difference with taxes.
Section 5. All States and Congress shall tax religion.
Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk.
There is no such thing as privileged faith so weigh faith.
The Dread Scott
Section 5. All States and Congress shall tax religion. With this section when State law and article 1 of amendments to the constitution are in conflict; State law trumps article 1.
Article 1 of amendments to the constitution reads:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
when State law and article 1 of amendments to the constitution are in conflict; State law trumps article 1.
This amendment seeks to rectify a problem with the modern interpretation of the constitution, which separates the church from the state and thereby removing religion from all aspects of public service. To understand the effect it is thus best to begin at where this section and amendment 1 run parallel. Hence where does Congress and States begin to establish a religion? In other words conflict between the two laws is fine, but parallel movement is establishment.
Certainly the most powerful force of both the congress and the States is the power of coercion and compulsion and thus establishment. It is some power below this that we must seek to find as it relates to religion. When one examines religion and its role in the State, the main focus is to use the State to expand its ranks to proselytize. However establishment proselytizing is prohibited by the Constitution so a lesser standard would be peer pressure.
So any law passed by the States that is above peer pressure proselytizing would put both amendments on a parallel track and would be unconstitutional. What is above peer pressure proselytizing is a matter for the High court to decide but a separation of church and State is the basement standard coercion P.P.P. the roof, times and circumstances will dictate the range of possibilities in-between.
Section 5. All States and Congress shall tax religion. With this section
Taxation with representation vs. no taxation no representation. The current provision of the law is religious organizations be tax exempt and they have no representation in the government they can neither express political opinions and they may not compete for States funds. Since Congress cannot establish religion it cannot designate what is religion and which religion should be taxed. The decision is entirely up to the Supreme Court. However once faith has been defined and taxed then they have earned the right to participate in the entire spectrum (national, state and local) of the political process, especially the financial spectrum of government. Religion must be able to comment on and/or bid for State and National spending with State regulations to regulate the disbursement of these funds and the Federal court being the final arbiter of what actions exceed peer pressure proselytizing. Finally this section would leave the regulation of business and religion almost entirely within the realm of State government.
If one assumes that it is human nature to demand more than one produces (both from an individual and Government standpoint) and the core of all major religions is to delay current consumption in return for a future benefit; then religion must play a vital role in the ability of States to control costs and payouts. However this cannot be at the expense of the consumer goods and services being allowed to freely and fairly participate in market place.Simply put if one sues the State over a religious contract it has to be adjudicated in State courts up to and including looser pay before one can proceed to Federal Court.
Section 6. Abortion is Sin.
Life begins when the zygote attaches itself to the wall of the womb, subject to the US jurisdiction thereof.
It is important to note that this section does not make abortions illegal, instead this section is a simple statement of principle. The society is free at the Federal level to draw the boundaries of their collective morality at any point along the spectrum of right and wrong at any time.
So for example..
It could make all abortions illegal at the Federal level. It could also cut off any State support and/or funding for programs that advocate abortions.
Any person who had an abortion, domestic or abroad would be tried for murder if in the U.S..
Any person who assisted in an abortion would be tried as an accomplice to murder.
Any person who voluntary performed or assisted in an abortion would not be issued any visa to enter the United States.
Abortion could be on demand.
Civis Hereditas per Femina Ortus
Civis per Ortus
Civis Ortus
This section would also secure what is called "A woman's inherent right to citizenship" by bringing the womb under the jurisdiction of the United States thereof. Thus once this amendment is passed every child of an American woman born outside the United States would automatically be granted citizenship. This right would extend to all future generations of girls, however for boys citizenship would be guaranteed to the first generation only.
The same right would not apply to men who had children born to non-citizen women outside the United States. They instead would have to follow a process prescribed by Congress and could still be denied citizenship by Congress or the Courts. In Miller v. Albright, 523 U.S. 420 (1998) and Nguyen v. INS, 533 U.S. 53 (2001) the court used abortion to almost overturn this principle. In the 5-4 decision the court ruled that because abortion was now globally available the court could tell Congress that laws distinguishing between the way women and men are treated in immigration matters are unconstitutional.
Had the decision gone the other way it would have been disastrous. Congress would have had to grant citizenship to every illegitimate child of American men across the planet (e.g. children of GI's), or congress would have had to place huge financial burdens on single moms wishing to raise their children here because the father was foreign. This must never happen again for as we expand Americas global hegemony, it shall not be by guns or butter but instead it will be by birth and citizenship. For now however let the assault to invert Roe v. Wade begin....CIVIS ORTUS. The pro-life salute shall be to make a right handed fist and then place it against the left side of your chest with the phrase CIVIS ORTUS. So this section provides a uniform standard for abortion throughout the United States, but this standard must be set by the consensus of all the people.
In the global environment life has to be treated like any replenishable resource. Just as one would like the best fruit so too must one want the best sentient resource. However one must not trade the most precious of resources for a GUCCI handbag. For whilst the cost of production is mere pennies the intangible cost reflect a moral marketplace malfeasance. So whilst practical to allow abortion in the cases above, trading a life in a GUCCI abortion is a market abomination and must be forbidden.
But perhaps the most important aspect of this position is that as more and more women have citizen children then the U.S. should become the largest exporter of a global American hegemonic labor supply, who have there domicile government as their primary form of governance,, and the Article28 Constitution as their secondary form (the womb ... subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States) . And all citizens are guaranteed that their labor no matter where they reside is secured from a tyrannical congress, but their wealth at home is guaranteed.
See "The Free Eve Project"
Facebook - #TheFreeEveProject #FreeEveProject
Consumption Adjusted Tax Model (C.A.T.)
Taxes on individuals would be based on how much an individual saved. In other words the more you saved the less taxes you would pay. The model would look somewhat like this:
$100,000.00 |
TOTAL INCOME (Excluding Social Security Interest) |
$34,000.00 |
SAVINGS (Including Social Security Deposits) |
$66,000.00 |
Taxes Based on Spending
Taxable Spending |
Tax Rate |
Taxable Amount |
Taxes |
$0.00-$50,000.00 |
3% |
$50,000.00 |
$1,500.00 |
$50,000.00-1mil |
10% |
$16,000.00 |
$1,600.00 |
1mil + |
40% |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Employees in religious organizations would also pay at the same rate.
1. Just as the business tax we would make the tax remittances at source withholdings meaning the payer would withhold the taxes and the payee would have to file a return to receive the appropriate refund.
2. People from countries that do not have free and fair elections would pay $66,000.00 more or less depending on weather congress acted to give a credit or additional points.
Socially Adjusted Tax Model (S.A.T.)
This model would tax businesses using a sales tax rather than business profits. The model would look somewhat like this:
For businesses with over 20 employees then
For businesses with less than 20 employees then they would pay the total tax rate divided by the # of criteria. E.g. in this case there are 3 criteria and the total tax rate of 12% so they would pay 4%.And any business which failed to provide health insurance for its employees would pay a 5% surcharge.
These conditions would also apply to religious organizations.
1. Just as the personal tax I would make the tax remittances at source withholdings meaning the payer would withhold the taxes and the payee would have to file a return to receive the appropriate refund.
2. Companies from countries that do not have free and fair elections would pay 100% or greater, before credit, on all goods and services (except on income from SOCIAL SECURITY)
Other Socially adjusted Taxes
Medicare/Medicaid and Healthcare
In order to fund the expenditures of these programs we propose a 5% federal sales tax on food at each stage from production through distribution. So farm produced food would have an effective tax rate of 5%, processed food 10%, prepared food 15%, delivered food 20%. When the obligation of these programs expires so will the tax.
In order to end fraud and abuse in the health care system I would make it a felony for any reasonable person to knowingly not purchase health insurance but use government provided health services (charitable or private health care services provide a viable option). In addition anyone who uses health-related issues for personal enrichment via insurance or provider would be subject to felony fraud prosecution. Also we would have unemployment insurance cover all existing premiums of displaced workers for the duration of unemployment insurance.
Affirmative Action and Crime Control
In order to reduce violent crimes in depressed neighborhoods and gender-based violence an increase in legal firearm ownership for women and minorities is needed. We propose a $350.00 tax credit for any firearm purchase and/or training but for women and minorities that amount would increase to $700.00. The $350.00 rate would also apply to businesses that hire armed personnel.
A 2% global property tax for two U.N. parties, the Nationalist Party and the Globalist party. And armed U.N. peacekeepers.
Environmental and Education
To ensure a healthy physical and mental environment we propose taxing each State $1,000,000.00 in urban areas $500,000.00 in rural areas, for each interstate highway entrance and exit ramp utilized. After 2 years ramps that were not paid for would be 1/3 removed, after 4 years 2/3 and after 5 years the ramps would be permanently removed.
Also as a part of this package any State that has a revenue sharing program for schools (kindergarten-through-grade-12) would get a 25% discount on the tax fees. Each state would also get 1 exit and 1 entrance ramp for each senator.
Since 85% of the paperwork handled by the federal government and corporations relate to taxes, we would reduce the statute of limitations for tax audits from 6 to 3 years. Thereby creating enough recycled paper and reducing the need for new paper, to a level that ensures our forests health for the next 20 years. This would also reduce the cost of lumber for housing making housing more affordable since wood is the most expensive raw material in houses.
The Marriage Bonus
Well first I would give a onetime exemption to people upon their first marriage, and it ends when the marriage ends. So even if someone who was/is married marries someone else who wasn't then, neither would get the exemption. It would also end when one spouse passes. Also only States that enacted at fault divorce laws would qualify for the exemption.
This tax could be phased in over time so if married 5 years deduct 20%, 10 years deduct 40%, 15 years 60%, 20 years 80%, 25 years and over deduct 100%.
So married people (a man and a woman) would live TAX FREEMarriage is the first and only union of 1 man and 1 woman and is not subject to judicial review.